If that's not a "Yeah, I know I'm gross as hell" look, I don't know what is. Pure defiance, looking like a disgruntled old black dude with a grudge against the world.
To be very honest, this dog isn't even that ugly. Dogs of years past have CERTAINLY been uglier, but I think Mugly benefits from some of the worst dog hygiene I've ever seen. And with a name like "Mugly" there's almost no way you can succeed. So give this dude some shampoo, a comb and a positive outlook on the world and see what he can make of himself.
I'm not saying he'll have a bunch of dogs sniffing his ass at the park this weekend, but frankly anything is better than being the unanimous least attractive member of your entire species.
PS. Am I the only one that thinks this dog looks like a disgruntled black man?
1 Reaction to this post
Add CommentNo, u r not the only one who thinks so:) I hate dogs like this
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