^It goes without question that this post is wavering towards homoerotic.
My squad's QB took the idea of a V-Neck T-shirt and literally revolutionized it. No clue where it ends. That being said, this picture makes me extremely worried about the Jets season. During Mark's rookie year he was in GQ, but it was all amateurish and shit and didn't really set off an alarm. This year he's clearly gotten too good at that shit. Instead of hucking perfectly placed 60 yd bombs up the sideline, he's putting mad product in his hair and talking to himself in the mirror like Patrick Bateman from American Psycho. The name of the game is wins. You win, you can literally do whatever the fuck you want. Just ask Tom Brady. Dude is cool as a clam. I'm pretty sure he can denounce blacks, gays, hispanic, jewish, white, and middle easterners at the same time and still be praised on PTI. Winning is all that matters.
I don't know since I'm not an expert, but maybe decline the photoshoot until you bring home the title?
3 Reactions to this post
Add Commentbrady should be on dancing with the stars lol
The Boy is so handsome, especially his V Neck T Shirt! Well, V Neck T Shirts For Men are great gifts !
i can spot a request for sponsorship when i see one. we'll sponsor your shirts on the site for the small fee of 20 xtra medium Vs and like 4 larges.
the more floral the shirts, the bigger the advertisements.
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