So the nerd E3 video-game conference was this week and I secretly love it. I keep tabs on that shit like a modern day watch dog--seeing what's good with the gadgets and games of the future.
Nintendo decided to be the wildcard this year and release an entirely new console since everyone realized that WiiSports is only so fun. It was literally one of those moments where the anticipation was built and people were sweating with anxiety. Then they took this thing out and everyone had one of those, "I don't know what that is, but I probably shouldn't look too surprised because no one else looks that surprised" looks on their face. Dudes confused, chicks confused, everyone pissed. Not a good look for Nintendo's big unveiling.
But really now, what is that thing? It looks like a childish Ipad or something. Apparently you play what you see on that screen on your TV screen? I don't know. That would kind of take away the purpose of one of the screens though, wouldn't it? Again, I don't know. Lastly, don't these controllers/consoles have to cost roughly $500? What about people that actually have friends? Each gaming experience people share together is going to cost like $3000. Ridiculous.
I missed the cool kid's boat on the Wii and I've been a hater ever since. Just following suit.
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