Robots are up to no good, I can smell it. Throwing out first pitches at Phillies games, always being equipped with lasers, and being slightly more effective than us at our jobs. Work in IT? FRIDA will produce just a little better than you. Factory worker? FRIDA will stock two more items than you can stock. It was pure genius on their part. Don't make an absurdly effective worker, but just something that epitomizes the idea of "above average."
As workers, the best thing we can hope for is to be above average. CEOs and Presidents-above average workers that eventually worked their way up. Poor workers get fired and excellent workers don't move up because they're so effective at what they do that the higher-ups don't want to fuck with them. Standard math. Mad scientists are trying to portray FRIDA as that blue-collar dude just trying to work his way up the ladder instead of them trying to make another WATSON. Smart play on their part, but I'm not trying to sit next to a robot for 40 hours a week. What if I accidentally spill my coffee on it? Is it dead? Can't crack jokes with it and definitely can't go to the bars after work with it. Or can I? How deadly would someone's game be if they had a robot wing-man?
Too many questions. Too little blogs.
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