The chip on your shoulder routine needs to stop Mark. We got it before. It was cool to date that not-so-attractive girl when you were the up and coming nerd that was making waves throughout the Harvard school newspaper. Now you're worth like $6 billion and still dating this chick? I don't get it.
You're a strange looking dude, I get it, but you have the ultimate equalizer--the $6 billion Scrooge McDuck pool made solely of gold coins in your basement. You have slightly more money than "Arab Money"--is that offensive? Not sure. But anyway, you should be pulling chicks like this. I'm sure she's single. In fact, I know she'll be single the minute you click "yes" to "would you like a receipt" after your next ATM transaction. Step your game up MZ.
PS. You KNOW this is the best this girl can possibly look. If I can effortlessly pick up the exact mold of one of the most powerful people in world's girlfriends at a bar on a god damn Wednesday you know there's a problem. Or I'm really attractive. Or both.
2 Reactions to this post
Add CommentI had sex with her back in college, I went to school in Boston.. She's fucking loose as shit
you speak about wores,,,,,,,MArk dont need that
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