Call me old fashioned, but what the fuck happened to giving a kid a Slinky and a set of stairs and letting him have at it? Come on now. I'm like really smart, and this Fushigi garbage definitely has me backed into a corner.
Most cases, I would go in blind with any new kids toy and dominate it within the hour. A few Christmases back I saw my cousin's "Bop-It Extreme" toy. Let me tell you, kids were struggling with it. Like, crying, throwing food in a fit of rage struggling. Clearly everyone was looking my way to get this problem sorted out because I'm the resident super-secret-mega-nerd in the family. I proceeded to wrestle it from defeated 8 year old hands and killed it out there, with an utter disregard for the new gadgets and flares added on. Within 10 minutes the children were literally dancing to my abilities on the Bop It Extreme (did anyone know these things were $160?!). Digression or not, times have changed. I have no idea what the hell is going on with this thing. I think it's a Yo-Yo ball?
Oh, and if you think the commercial would help, it doesn't. I guess you have to just figure it out on your own..or something.
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