Oh, it's just Mark Sanchez taking over the entire Yale Bookstore because that's what the smart people do. They just take residence in Top-3 college bookstores and read planners and shit. Sure there aren't any words in that "book" Mark is reading, but you can tell he is putting in the necessary effort to become the best QB in the NFL.
I'm sure he's memorized everything from all the tapes of last year and just about every team's tendencies from the year 1994. He's that dedicated in the film room. Everyone thinks Mark is chillin' in Cali eating the most quesadillas and going out at night to bed models while subsequently poppin' bottles. It ain't like that. The guy is all over the East coast gimpin' around, making appearances, reading every book in Ivy League book stores, eating quesadillas, and bedding models. He's over achieving on every conceivable level of "making it." The ultimate 27 tool bro.
12-4 or bust next year. Calling it here. Come at me.
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