As I sit here, freezing at one ear, tonguing a specifically bothersome chip, and walking sans big-toe nails, I genuinely wonder if I am going to make it to stop the impeding apocalypse of 2012.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

As I sit here, freezing at one ear, tonguing a specifically bothersome chip, and walking sans big-toe nails, I genuinely wonder if I am going to make it to stop the impeding apocalypse of 2012.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

^all sorts of awesome
I nearly shed a tear watching this. In another life I would most definitely be in an acapella group that specialized in 90s anime. Without hesitation. But, I am in this life and that shit is nerdy as balls. I can't do that to my already fragile post-graduate rep. I'm barely making social ends meet these days.
I see you fellas in the back just going through the motions. If you're in it, you're fuckin' in it. There's no, "Yeah, I was in the Pokemon acapella thing, but I half-assed my way through it. That's cool right?" in this world.
I'm disappointed in you guys. You sell that shit all the way, poppin' blood vessels and stuff
Monday, March 29, 2010

Like Video Killed The Radio Star, this Freestyle Killed The Pop Star. You got 1000 testicles and are watching Nick Jr.? I don't follow bro. There was no type of rhyme scheme or flow. Just questionable lyrics and recognition of his exploitation of today's youth.
"My name's Justin Bieber and I got my first pube"
Your name is Justin Bieber and you won't be heard from in 2011.
PS. This was an April Fools Joke. Thanks to poor comedic timing and my lack of recognition of what day it is, this has to be executed early. Here is what you guys were actually supposed to see. Pfft. Like I could be mad at J. Bieber. April Fools!!

It's probably not a rubik's cube. Probably something so horrific and disturbing, that this cat is going to be scarred forever.
Imagine if you were Chat Rouletting and saw this cat gaze at your face and immediately make that expression. How bad would you feel about that? Like, "is my face that awful, that I made an animal not of my species extremely disgusted." That's some discouraging stuff, especially for the ugly people of the world. Must suck. Being ugly. Ew.

Hammered Dude Gives CPR To Possum That Potentially Lived In My Basement Because He Was Well...Hammered

^full screen it...
Damn. I was a huge hater before I saw this video. I played the whole, "meh, he looks decent, I don't think he's #1 pick level though" game for awhile, but this video legitimately woke me up. No matter what level of basketball you play, if you are dominating at this level, you are a god damn force of nature. And I know about nature because I live in fucking Boston and experienced like 6 seasons (yes 6..some Mars level shit) in 2 weeks.
Either way, I'm off the Evan Turner bandwagon. I promoted that dude like I was Don King, but it's time to see the light. I know I'm late as hell, but John Wall is the m'effin truth.

Herpes, Schmerpes. If I have the ability to teleport, you best believe I am getting a prescription for "Herpex." I won't go into in-depth details about how I will acquire said prescription, but know I could be teleporting into your living room during reruns of Extreme Home Makeover crying my eyes out right next to you.
Who knows, you can be sitting down for a quiet dinner when BAM!, Dub Jeezy is taking the last double cheeseburger out of the bag (a punishable by death offense) and disappears into a cloud of dust. Eh, herpes, is a solid reason not to get a prescription for Herpex, but the pros clearly outweigh the cons here. This leads me to time travel. Saw "Hot Tub Time Machine" (great movie) this weekend and it got the ol' noodle a'stirrin'. I'd completely fuck shit up if I got thrown back into the crisp year of '87. I'd undoubtedly meet all the wrong people, get into a bar fight with my future father, and mistakenly tell my future mother that I am her son and grow up to be a wildly unsuccessful blogger. Shit is best kept for the movies, because if it happened to me, I most assuredly wouldn't be here.
Saturday, March 27, 2010

If the Nets manage to lose out for the rest of the year, they can do no worse than the 1972-73 Philadelphia 76ers, a team that concluded their dismal run at 9-73. Players and coaches alike need to capitalize on this moment due to the clear lack of celebration all season long. "We're smiling," said point guard Devin Harris. "It's good to get two wins in a row, but we're not satisfied. We want to continue to be better and finish the season on a high note."
In my opinion fellas, its okay to earn maybe one more win and hang up the sneaks from there. You're not the worst ever. The goal has been attained. All you can do now is wait for the draft and hope to attract more than 1,000 fans per game in 2011. So rest easy NJ, it gets better from here.
Thursday, March 25, 2010

Tim Wakefield and Daisuke Matsuzaka...a pair of pitchers some consider to be hit or miss for the Boston Red Sox looked outstanding in today's 6-4 spring training victory over the Florida Marlins. Wakefield underwent back surgery during the 2009-2010 offseason, not to mention the sheer fact that he's 43 years old. After practically lobbying to keep his spot two weeks ago, he's done nothing but produce in spring training to keep any doubters from speaking out any further.
Including his five of six scoreless innings pitched today, the 17-year veteran has earned a 3.6 ERA while racking up 10 K's in 20 innings. Keep fluttering the knuckleballs in looks as though it may just work again in 2010.
Moving on to Matsuzaka. Is it too ambitious for me to predict that Dice-K is about to have his most successful MLB campaign to date? I know, I know, the gyroball isn't real. But the entire Japanese population didn't buy Red Sox jerseys for nothing. Dice-K let up a run in 2 innings work in relief this afternoon...Not so bad knowing he's still not fully recovered from neck and back ailments.
Manager Terry Francona is looking forward to a great season with the 2x World Baseball Classic MVP, saying "I thought the biggest thing was that he got out there and he stayed in his delivery. I think you're going to see more come out of his arm, I certainly believe."
So this concludes my rant. Josh Beckett, John Lackey, Jon Lester, Clay Buchholz, Tim Wakefield, Daisuke Matsuzaka. Just wanted to make clear that we currently showcase the best string of starters in the MLB. Debate if you must..and If you simply don't care, I wouldn't be offended either.

Would I Be The Coolest Kid On The Block If I Was The First Person To Enter The Wizarding World Of Harry Potter June 18th?
Shit looks magical. I'm not necessarily down with all the snow imagery, but I can look past that, much like I can look past glaring flaws on otherwise hot girls. I'm superficial, but only in regards to fantasy worlds that will take me out of the harsh reality of experiencing the steady grind of the work week. You can't come to the office and decide, "oh hey, I'm just going to grab the Firebolt and head to Dunkin'. Anyone need anything?", people are too sad, and most likely wouldn't even laugh at my hilarious HP reference.
Back to the task at hand. Yes, I'm 22. Yes, I know it'd be tough to explain to my employer why I am taking an entire week off to attend a "business meeting" he never assigned. These things are for me to worry about though. It may seem grim from your end, but I have a glimmering beacon of hope to guide me. The beacon being the faces of those little snot nosed kids as I am the first bad-ass to enter the WWoHP. Sure, they'll ask their parents why a certified adult (that's right, adult) is getting on all the rides before they can. It's because I want it more. I read the books before you can read junior and juniorettes. I'm going to be the guinea pig for all of these (potentially faulty) rides while you guys stand on the sidelines with your sippie cups wondering what could have been.
It took roughly 85 days, but I finally have my first New Year's Resolution..

^funny thing is..he's probably dead.
Apparently Cali and Canada are the only places on the ball with the fact that bees just haven't been around for past 4 years. I kind of noticed a couple of years back, but I attributed it to global warming, like most of everything that goes wrong in my day. On a sad note, I've never been hit with a "don't know what you got until it's gone" like this in awhile. Granted, I hate the shit out of bees with a fiery passion, but they've been some pretty solid staples in my life. This is a thorough preparation for me when Shaquille O'Neal retires.
Nothing will be able to replicate the sheer terror I felt when I bee comes relatively close to my living space. The fact that I've never been stung before sums up the terror, but the thought that I won't have much of a challenge these days kind of puts a damper on my day...
It's like when Tupac died and Biggie realized how dumb their feud was. Yes, exactly like that.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I'd immediately get on one knee unlace one shoe, remove it, unlace the other shoe, remove, it, take off my jersey, give a large peace sign, and politely remove myself from the arena/roster/basketball society.
I've been swatted, not jammed on, crossed-over, but I most certainly have never had my shot caught/grabbed/corralled like that. Granted, I stopped basketball after high school varsity and was playing in a not-that competitive league, but still that shit is absurd.
Where to go from here as a basketball player? Definitely a serious crossroads...

I don't even know what to say about this. I initially wanted to go with the idea that it was fake, but that was a legitimate old lady. Moreover, it was most likely someone in that crowd's grandmother. How scarring would it be to hold up your grandmother doing a keg stand?
Personally, I don't think I could come back from that.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Just thought I'd show a few seconds of Stephon Marbury punching in at work for the China Basketball Association. The former Minnesota, New Jersey, Phoenix, New York, Boston and now Shanxi Zhongyu Brave Dragon netted 30 points to lead his squad to victory in the league All-Star game this past weekend.
Not only did Marbury easily earn MVP rights here...but he did so in a way involving a trio of half court shots with a side of no look alley-oops. "I didn't expect anything before the game," he said. "I just wanted to have fun here. But I do think I made some impact on this game." Good to see China experience a different type of role model in their lives. Every kid on the street better own a pair of Starbury's after witnessing that kind of performance.

Monday, March 22, 2010

LeBron James just recently became the youngest player to reach 15,000 career points (beating out Kobe by 2 years). After hitting the milestone in Chicago he shared a bit more information to the press in regards to his upcoming free agency period.
"At the end of the day, it is still a business," said James. "This isn’t high school basketball anymore. You have to do what is best for your family and what is best for yourself. I’ve always said I love being in Cleveland. But for me as a basketball player, no matter what happens, I love to play the game. I play it with a joy and I love my teammates."
In other words, LBJ is thinking in somewhat of an empire state of mind. New York Knicks fans have already bought in to the idea in light of the 1,800 new season ticket orders for next year (franchise record). But no one can deny that LeBron's staged press conference to announce his team in 2011 will rack up more ratings then any presidential election...and maybe even American Idol (gasp).
Either way, these Knicks fans better settle down. I don't know how I'd feel if I dropped 3 G's hoping to see the King all next season, when in reality it's just David Lee, Bill Walker and post-injury T-Mac running out of the tunnel to represent the "mecca of basketball." Stay tuned for more hype.

I know you guys have seen that water-skiing squirrel on the fictional (but I wish was real) ESPN 8 "The Ocho." Squirrels are sneakily the second smartest, coolest, and most resourceful creatures aside from humans.
I played it over and over in my head and I've come to the conclusion that, if put in the same situation, I would not be able to recover those pellets. Those jumps were too risky for my frail ankles and feet sans toenails.
Cudos to you my furry faired better than the frogs we posted a little while ago. Those poor bastards...

Every now and then you're sitting in class, obviously not paying attention to what the professor is saying, and you notice that person in the room that looks as if they are intentionally annoying you. They key into your number one pet peeve and put a figurative spotlight on it and you. It's fine because this class is almost over..right? Only like..55 more minutes?! What the hell? This twisted bitch better chill out before I create a god damn scene up in Macroeconomics. Chuckin' washable markers/laser pointers tossed everywhere, and magnetizing laptop screens. I know it doesn't take like 400 chews to put down an apple slice. How does no one notice this shit? Only..55 minutes..still?!? Did I go back in time or is that clock broken?
After my brief bout with PTSD, I have to say I full support everything that this girl did in that classroom.
Sunday, March 21, 2010

Tiger Woods just recently sat down for an interview for the first time since his highly publicized Thanksgiving evening. "I'm excited to get back and play, I'm excited to get to see the guys again," he told ESPN's Tom Rinaldi. "I really miss a lot of my friends out there. I miss competing"
Woods plans to stage his comeback Thursday, April 8th at the annual Masters Tournament in Augusta, GA. Well...I know one thing's for sure. There are definite mixed emotions going on right now in regards to his return. Certain PGA Players are kicking themselves due to the short amount of time left for them to earn 2nd-rate checks and trophy's.
Golf is experiencing somewhat of a Michael Jordan effect the NBA suffered in the 90's. The league became wide open after Jordan decided to take swings and chew seeds in minor league baseball. The Houston Rockets prevailed, only for MJ to lace up again and solidify himself as the best to ever play the game.
PGA owners couldn't be more thrilled to have Tiger back. The 2010 Masters without a doubt will be the most watched golf tournament ever. Simply put...people enjoy witnessing greatness, and people love to settle in for a good comeback story. It's time for Woods to regain his spot at #1. To the others in the field succeeding through his absence...Sorry fellas, honeymoon's over.
Friday, March 19, 2010

What's Worse: An Impossible Hang-Nail Or Mistaking Something Blue For Something Black (Or Vice-Versa)?

No, not because I get told I look (and play..haha, that's just a joke) like him all time, but because dude can maximize his free time. If I just had a knee surgery that sidelined me for months, you best believe that I am shacking up at the crib with the most models, video games, and McDonald's all day. I most assuredly wouldn't be making surprisingly funny parody videos.
I guess that is where the line is that divides the bloggers and the pro basketball players huh?
Thursday, March 18, 2010

In case you missed it, here's the March Madness spectacle of the day. Somebody get Danero Thomas a beer because this guy just hit his peak. But wait a second..who the hell are the Murray State Racers? Is that horrible of me to not be able to confidently boast about they've been underrated this whole time? Was there anyone crazy enough to advance this 13 over 4 in their brackets? Hold up right there...
ESPN reports: "President Barack Obama must have been onto something picking these revved-up Racers (31-4) to get past the first round. It was the school's first victory in the NCAA tournament since a 78-75 win over North Carolina State in 1988." Figures. Just another 10 dollar donation. For those out there who made this pick through pure research: I'm impressed, but screw you. This is what I get for playing it safe...again.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Looks like the Baddest Man on the Planet Kid Dynamite is taking on a new hobby...thats right ladies and gentlemen...former heavyweight champion Mike Tyson is next set to spread his wings and take flight in pigeon racing. He'll be featured in a reality show next year called "Taking on Tyson," which should closely follow his ventures through this "intenely competative and bizzarrely fascinating world."
This may become one of the most entertaining and compelling shows in reality TV history. I mean this is Mike Tyson Pigeon Racing!!! Here's how
I remember Tyson (WARNING: EXPLICIT MATERIAL). But apparently he's been raising pigeons his entire life. What? Expect Iron Mike to be assisted by a "colorful team" of pigeon experts as he competes with the five to six other bird racers existing in the world.
Monday, March 15, 2010

^While I wish I was talking about this juice, sadly I am not. I'm literally just talking about juice. You can stop reading now if you want.

What a wack start to a wack day. It's been raining cats and dogs, and in my case, rats and possums. Actually, we haven't seen the possum around in ages, we can only assume it drowned in our currently flooded basement. I digress. I made the most frustrating, buyer-regret filled purchase today. With gale force winds I thought it was a good idea to buy an umbrella from 7-Eleven. I know it's my fault to even make that move, but it was early in the morning and I am essentially drunk before 10am anyway. Needless to say, I spent $10, walked outside and it immediately reacted to the wind like the human body would react to a grenade. Really put a damp damper on my morning.
Just when I thought they'd ax the NBA Jam project, they release a bonkers trailer that frankly looks pretty scary. The players looked like they all had "Big Head" mode going. And sure, I'm pumped to buy this game after Carmelo and Lebron's publicists made quotes up for them. Sure, it was fun for our sugar/Mountain Dew induced generation. We played "Jacks." I'm pretty sure a ball of yarn could have kept our attention. This generation is full of bastards, with their Iphones and "next-generation" consoles. I don't like it. I don't think the new youths will like it much either.
Listen to me Midway, I'm here for you. Basically because I have nothing else to do.

I've seen a movie preview or two and this one, simply put, is just bad. Not one thought of a laugh for me during the whole thing. I had to watch it a couple of additional times to see where the jokes actually were.
You had me during Shrek 1 and 2, but after forcing myself through part 3, I became privy to your attempts at stealing away my $10. You won't get me this time Dreamworks.
You didn't even recast Justin Timberlake. That's just basically telling me you put a shit effort forth.
Friday, March 12, 2010

Confused, cold, and linguine-like. That's what appears to be my future after what appears to be a heavily alcoholic weekend.
A trillion Jack&Cokes will replace the blood in your body. Bones need blood? Bones disappear. I know science and that's definitely how it works. Since I love getting new jobs, I might as well hit up Monster and Career Builder to see what's up in the "Plastic Dude In A Box" occupation. All I need are some deese benefits and a gym membership.
May the weekend be good to you all.

I haven’t seen a decision this dangerous since the Taco Bell Shrimp Taco experiment of 2010. Wait, that’s still being sold? Jesus.
I got off the train today, casually walked past the old watering hole (watering hole for me means Burger King) and had to do a triple take. You can imagine what a triple take looks like at 8:30am in the middle of a crowded walking area. It was like a poorly produced skit from “All That.” Did I just read BK brunch? It was like the most cryptic thing I’ve ever read, basically hieroglyphics. What does this “brunch” entail? Oh, it looks like they sell a breakfast bowl, filled with everything that would normally be on a breakfast platter. Hmm. After I threw up in my mouth, I began to consider what a forkful of pancake, processed egg, sausage, and hashbrowns would taste like..for the perilous price of $1.49. This shit is either the most unsafe item on the market, or I will be doing a disservice to the decision making team in my brain for not giving it a shot. Needless to say, I’m writhing in pain right now wondering what the hell just happened. I feel like that dude from “Momento.” Permanent amnesia, loss of basic cognitive functions, and a thirst for revenge (because I didn’t get an orange juice..dumb me).
Because my body isn’t exactly what we call “smart” I will probably fall down this path at least 15-48 more times in the coming months. I’ll chronicle each attempt in detail each time whether you like me to or not, because this is my blog and I’m feeling giddy (or sick) because it’s Friday.
PS. The brunch menus stops at the 10:30...the same time breakfast stops. What?!

They "told" me to bring my laptop to work today haha. Suckers. Now I can post to my hearts content. Video is bizarre. I want the Lady Gaga from the "Eh, Eh" video back.
Gaga should never be on the same screen as Beyonce. She's wayyy to hot and Gaga is wayy to polarizing. Doesn't make for a good combination.
A quote from Fabolous:
"Told her we could be a dream team like Kobe & LeBron. Only if you gold, I never do the bronze. If you could have Beyonce would you take Solange?"
Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Just looking at this made 9 year old me cry and grab my mother's leg. His little legs picked up some real speed, real fast.
So back to my borderline creepy idea of purchasing this kid and grooming him into a future NFL star. He has the potential, but I bet his parents are all like, "worry about school and eat your vegetables." Eff that. Muscle Milk, chicken, oatmeal, steaks, charm school, and the most non-height stunting steroids available. It's too important for me..and him I guess. When you're running a 4.9 40 yard dash at the age of 9, you should be insulted that no one bought you, turned you into a meatheaded linebacker that got a 1200 on their SATs (new version), and earns $8 million a year.
So, call me. We'll start negotiations right away.

Casually perusing through my on-demand music menu, I saw this video and thought nothing of it. Then I reviewed my mental log of Lady Gaga hits and an error screen kept popping up. Never heard of this "Eh, Eh" track. She's hot, it's not a hit, and she looks relatively normal. I feel like I am walking over a random grass patch in the middle of the concrete road. I'm eventually going to fall in..right?
This video is confusing. Don't let her lull you into a false sense of security.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Monday, March 8, 2010

Sorry Boss, I am back...

Allen Iverson Banned From Detroit And Atlantic City Casinos...And Addicted To Alcohol...Surprised?

Big game coming up? Check these 2 minutes of greatness for all the inspiration you'll ever need. Why be limited to one speech when you can have Al Pachino, Mel Gibson, Morgan Freeman, Samuel L Jackson, and Emilio Esteves (to name a few) put you in your place all at once. I was sold during the climax when it cuts from Free Willy to Angels in the Outfield to Cool Runnings. How pumped am I to crush the elliptical before 10:30 pm shut eye? Can't wait.

I'd classify myself as an "AV" kid. There will always be a part of me that will be connected with video games. I'll definitely be that guy playing games well into adulthood. Whether that has a direct correlation with me having a girlfriend/getting married or not is irrelevant.
Hey kid, I've been there. Donkey Kong Country 1, Winter of '96. That god-damn mine level where you had to make those timing jumps every two seconds. They made the first 56 of them really easy, but that last one required the skills of a ninja with telekinesis. Let me tell ya, Mom was not happy. I essentially locked myself in my room, missed lunch, dinner, breakfast, and potentially a second lunch because of that shit. Showers were absolutely out of the question. So what if a couple tears came out, it was for the love of the game. "Built character" if you will. But come on bro, you don't throw another guy's game.
No matter how frustrating the game is (Mega Man 1-12), you always have the off-switch or the quit option. Plus you're like 17 dude, diversify your bonds playa. I'm pretty sure you could have at least been chucking a Playstation or a Sega Saturn at this point..
Sunday, March 7, 2010

But what's the point of writing defense if no one playing can read it? I know Vince Carter couldn't translate as he went on to net 25 points. Dwight Howard controlled the paint with 15 points while collecting 16 boards over Pau Gasol all day long.
Some of the Lakers apparently dubbed the Magic as "puppies" before the game, calling out their "soft" style of play. Howard had a few choice words following his dominant performance, saying "Alpha dogs usually have the big bark. But since we're so-called puppies, we won't bark as loud."
Lesson learned for Ron Artest and the LA Lakers: Spend more time preparing on the court over the hair salon so you don't lose three in a row. We'll see if Artest keeps the look for their next contest against the Raptors Tuesday night.
Friday, March 5, 2010

EMBED-Guy in Chicken Suit Pranks Wrong Class - Watch more free videos
Leave it to a teacher beating the shit out of a guy in a chicken suit to really bring me back to the good ol days. Gone are the days I would bring my laptop to class and watch episodes of
Also gone are my opportunities for dudes in hilarious farm animal costumes to surprise and amuse me in the middle of a most assuredly boring lecture. That shit doesn't happen in the office! Just bad jokes and agreed upon misery. That's it. Live it up this weekend, because each day I die a little more.
Okay, okay...wayyy too depressing. You know the kid Dub Jeezy will be out there losing his mind making a fool of himself and ruining shots with respectable women all weekend. Pfft, nothing can keep me down.
Thursday, March 4, 2010

Winter fun is almost over...well that's if you had any. I caught my first real breath of spring air yesterday and I couldn't be happier. So this is fair warning to those who need to get in that last run before April weather hits.
The video provided proves the flu season to be somewhat valuable. Looks like a hell of a time if you can snowboard like that, even if King James arguably gets more hang time on the court...See for yourself
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

EMBED-Pogo Stick to Shovel Nutshot - Watch more free videos

Gilbert Arenas, after pleading guilty to a felony gun possession seems to have a lot of time on his hands in light of his current NBA suspension. Maybe he doesn't have all the time in the world, but he recently had room on his schedule to make an appearance at a PETA event...What?
When reporters likely gave a distinct what the hell? look towards Arenas, he made clear: "It's just like anything. When something happens, everyone flees away. So I already knew all that was going to happen. But PETA, they stayed behind me, they stayed with the cause, and that's the reason I came."
Well Gilbert, glad to see that PETA has your back, cause the Washington Wizards, the National Basketball Association and the American Law are certainly keeping you under close watch. When asked whether he was worried about a possible jail sentence, he simply shrugged his shoulders and said "If the judge goes off with the story the papers write, then, yeah. But if he goes off the actual real story, then I have no problems with it."
Later during his talks with the press he came out with another gem. "Basketball is basketball. I don't think people realize that. No matter what city, overseas, D-league, park league - I just want to play." No, no...There's most definitely a difference between the NBA and shooting around at Ringer park. I thought Arenas was a little smarter than that...but maybe its all the same to him because he periodically loses his weekly checks betting online at the Verizon Center. But hey, as long as he's got PETA I guess it's all good.
Picture found at

Just when you thought that bouncy frog-toad thing has it rough, I just read this story on CNN that says a common weed killer is chemically castrating frogs and turning them into females. Now is that the most effed up this you've ever heard. As a guy, imagine eating a salad and midway through realizing you have no balls anymore.
Monday, March 1, 2010

President Barack Obama and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper each put a case of beer on the line for their respective countries Sunday during the Men's Hockey Gold Medal game at the Vancouver Olympics. Young phenom Sidney Crosby was able to find the net in OT to put his squad up 3-2, solidifying the W for Canada while forcing a beer run upon our nations leader. Harper is currently waiting for his 24 pack of Molson.
I urge you all to be on the look out for our President as he makes a trip to the packy. It's been rumored for him to make time between his 12:30 health care appointment and 3:30 youtube broadcast. Honestly though, how far down are you at the White House to receive the beer run assignment..."So yeah the Canadian Prime Minister, if you could send him a 24 pack of Molson that would be great. Fed Ex overnight preferred of course."
Now turning my attention to the actual game...That had to be one of the most epic contests in quite some time. I don't even watch hockey but I was glued to the screen for three periods yesterday. Canada nailed the post twice two minutes apart at the start of the third and kept the pressure on. It was unbelievable to see the U.S. stay alive through the block, giving Zach Parise the opportunity to net the tying goal with under a minute left in regulation.
Canada eventually claimed victory and the home crowd went wild to conclude what may go down as their most celebrated win in history.
Enjoy the brew on us Prime Minister.

Blow this shit up on a projector, get some glass to break, and get ready to snap.
Wait, these are the guys that sang the song that essentially shaped my life? Those three chicks and the dude with the mullet...really? I'm sorry guys, you can turn off your projector, put the mirror back in the bathroom.
Show's over folks. I've been living a lie.

What a crazy ending. If I was in the stands (I'd be drunk) there is a 100% chance I would have either a) vomited in excitement b) accidentally elbowed a girl in the face, or c) been displeased and wouldn't have cheered because I was jealous.
Either way, congrats to this guy winning the game as a senior on senior night. Congrats to the crowd too. Shit was electric.
You are definitely going to watch this at least 3 times.

Inside the head of the pebble toad:
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- October ( 43 )
- September ( 53 )
- August ( 62 )
- July ( 63 )
- June ( 78 )
- May ( 66 )
- April ( 50 )
- Weird Affliction Wednesday!!
- Jillian Michaels Scares Me, But I Think I Kind Of ...
- Hilarious License Plates Get Me Every Time
- Some Jobs Are Absolutely Meant For Me
- Justin Bieber? Is That You?----WMD Early April Foo...
- Cat Watching Someone Do A Rubik's Cube Really Fast??
- Hammered Dude Gives CPR To Possum That Potentially...
- John Wall, Also, Seems Legit
- Herpex Seems Legit
- New Jersey Nets Fans Can Finally Rest Easy...
- Wakefield, Dice-K Showing Some Promise...
- Would I Be The Coolest Kid On The Block If I Was T...
- Bees Appear To Have Given Up In This Shoddy Place ...
- CNN Headline Reads: "Marijuana Epidemic Haunts NFL...
- For A Basketball Player, This Is Probably The Most...
- Probably The Most Messed Up Thing You'll See All D...
- Starbury Dominating in China
- How It Would Go Over If I Said Some Of The Lyrics ...
- Seagulls Straight Scaring The Shit Out Of Me
- Kurt Warner Killing 'Em Out There With The "Walk I...
- Knicks Fans a Bit Anxious...
- I've Said It Before And I'll Say It Again..Squirre...
- Sometimes That Chick That Chews Really Loud Across...
- Babies And Their Antics
- Tiger Looks Forward to Return
- Let's Go, Orange, My Weekend Depends On You!!
- Annual "Every Team I Need To Win For My Bracket To...
- What's Worse: An Impossible Hang-Nail Or Mistaking...
- Chris Paul Is Awesome
- Big Ups to Murray State...Murray State?
- Ugh, So I'm A Little Drunk
- Sometimes The "M" Rating On Video Games Actually M...
- Mike Tyson Found a New Sport
- Juice: Steadily Becoming The Hottest Post-Grad Com...
- It's Also Safe To Say The New NBA Jam Will Be Wack
- It's Safe To Say Shrek Four Is Going To Be Pretty Bad
- I'm Probably Going To Be Like This Dude By The End...
- Burger King Unleashes Brunch Menu All Over Our Asses
- Unofficial "Lady Gaga Week" Concludes With Epic 9+...
- Mission: Purchasing This Kid As An Investment For ...
- Did Lady Gaga Just Slip This Video By Our Noses?
- I Promote NCAA Overload
- Dick Palmer's Guide To The Forbidden Fruit
- Allen Iverson Banned From Detroit And Atlantic Cit...
- The Forbidden Fruit's Gone Bad
- For Those In Dire Need of Motivation
- "I'm Pretty Sure Sharp Blades Are Supposed To Kill...
- Ron Artest Making Statements?
- Reason #3749568736 I Miss College
- Winter Fun Is Almost Over
- Chick On American Idol Just Said, "She Likes To Co...
- It...Just...Doesn't...Make...Sense....
- The Most Elaborate Game Of Mousetrap I've Ever Seen
- Worst Friend Contest
- Jail Doesn't Phase Gilbert Arenas
- Frogs...Not Having A Good Week
- President's on a Beer Run
- The Sickest Bastards (Bastettes?) Of All Time
- Davidson Still Exists Even Though Stephen Curry Gr...
- Brotherly Love in the McGwire Family
- The Most Frustrated Animal Ever
- February ( 51 )
- January ( 36 )