Now to the title of this post. I have an interview tomorrow in the middle of the day (during my other work's hours). Naturally, I lied and said I have a doctor's appointment at that time, so it is all good. Also, for the first time ever since working, I got let out early. For those of you have attended college/currently in college/about to attend college, think about getting a class cancelled and multiply that by about 1000. It was how you all could have pictured it. I go to take a shit/nap in the bathroom (standard play) and I groggily rolled back to the office and saw that no one was there. It was like some "Children of the Corn" shit, but in a hilarious feel good comedy sort of way. One of my mini-bosses came out and told me that I could go and that the servers fucked up. To my knowledge, you can't fix a server between 5pm and 8:30am, so I may not have work tomorrow all together. Cross your fingers and i'll give you a shout out in my dreams tonight.
So guys, until I am officially re-employed, do I have to change the name of the blog? I'm a stand up guy (haha) and I can't live a lie. We'll see, the layout is pretty sweet, and i'm pretty lazy. A deadly combination to get nothing done.
1 Reaction to this post
Add Commentdon't change it. if you do, make it a morgue man's diary. hahahahhah, just kidding, don't change it.
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