My week has been eaten up like chum in shark infested waters. It was an insta-wrap when NCAA Football 2010 came out on July 14 (PSN ID: dubj1023, come get some) and my new flat screen TV came in the mail. I never had a chance nor did I ever have a choice. I mean, why would I write to you people when I could be using digitally enhanced amateur athletes to defeat an 8 year old from
Call me a nerd, I understand. It also might be sad knowing that the coolest kid you know is obsessed with video games. I am also cranking my nerd game to the fullest. Recognize that I am currently wearing glasses and looking awesome. All my girl co-workers got their panties in a bunch as they wonder how many math problems I can do or how many pencils I have in my drawer. It’s a great fantasy world I live in. Any who, I have given up on work today, so I am going to try to get a shit load of posts done. NCAA is starting to piss me off anyway. That 8 year old from
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